I love Chicken Salad... I usually eat it cold...
...but when I have time (because it IS a little more involved than regular Chicken Salad) I make HOT CHICKEN SALAD!
So yummy on French bread!!!
I made it for dinner last night... and then I ate it for breakfast... then yes, again for lunch...
and I'm about to go in the kitchen and have it for my afternoon snack!
I'm bad!
Wanted to share!
(Per usual when it comes to sharing recipes... no pics.) :(
2 c. cooked chicken, diced
2 c. celery, chopped
1/2 c. chopped or slivered almonds or pecans
1 c. mayo
3 T. chopped onion
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
2 T. lemon juice
1/2 c. plain potato chips, crushed
1/2 c. BBQ potato chips, crushed
Combine everything together except the chips. Spoon into a lightly greased 2-qt. casserole. Sprinkle chips over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Serves 8.
Can't post without a picture... so I'm re-posting one of Cort that CRACKS ME UP!
He woke up from his nap one day a few months ago looking like THIS!
He just came up to me and said, "Mama... will you come look at the "sch-ungle" I made? He meant, "jungle."
Other fun 4-year-old Cort words:
"Ssh-icken." Chicken.
"Ssh-ips." Chips.
"Ssh-urch." Church.
You should hear him say "Chicken Quesadilla!!!"
It's seriously. For real. The little things in life! :)
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