I am personally SICK SICK SICK of snow and cold... but on this day it actually works out great for me because I am overwhelmed with sessions to edit! Which is a great thing... and I now will have a great big chunk of time to WORKWORKWORK!
Pics from this morning:
Brrrrrr... it's cold!
... onto Happy Monday prompt:
Wear Something You Love
"Dress not just because you have to clothe yourself, but because it's fun and gives you and others day-long pleasure. You could choose a whole outfit that you enjoy putting together and feel all-round good in. Or it could be one item of clothing that always makes you feel a million dollars.
Alternatively, simply choose an accessory that gives you a thrill of pleasure, like a scarf in a color that really suits you, fab shoes or an eye-catching piece of jewelry. Wearing something that lifts your spirits will make you feel good all day and give pleasure to others, too."
** This is so true... it's amazing how putting on an outfit you love makes you feel immediately better. A color that compliments you or an amazing pair of jeans or a cool, funky scarf... It just makes you feel GOOD! Today I am going nowhere... we are snowed in... but I have on my favorite grey Arkansas Razorbacks sweatshirt... the kind that is big enough to feel comfy but not frumpy?!! I did go shopping yesterday (that ALWAYS lifts the spirits too!) and bought some black pin-stripe dress pants, a purple top with a black vest and a BLUE spring dress. All of which I'm dying to wear! I'll wear the pants outfit sometime this week. The dress (which I'm in love with!) will have to wait a couple months! Spring CANNOT get here fast enough for me! I have so many things I want to do work-wise and personal-wise.... hurry up sunshine and green!!! :)
I cannot WAIT to wear this dress this Spring! I love dresses... and I love the colors of THIS dress! It's one of those dresses that isn't that inspiring on the hanger... but once I put it on I just felt feminine and great! Love getting surprised like that with clothing!
Onto the rambling part of this post...
* I cannot even say how much I loved my Fayetteville sessions this weekend! It was wonderful! I met some great people... and they endured the BITTER COLD for the sessions... which made for some really cute "winter-y" pictures!!! Thanks everyone!
Me infront of Bliss Cupcake shop. It was an adorable little shop on the Fayetteville square!
Ms. Nicole Bolinger:
Little Sophie... aren't those UGGS just precious!
Chance & Janna. So crazy about each other after TEN years! Love it!
The Bruder Family. One of the sweetest families I've been around!
And the outfits she picked.... LOVE IT!
* Valentine's Day is approaching. My kids' Valentine's Cards (which I'm actually sending this year) are SO going to be late. :( I am off my game...
* My dear friends Liz & Zach just had their little boy Zachary! I am so excited for them and he is precious! CONGRATULATIONS Wiggs Family!
Not helping with the baby fever thing I've got going on when I keep seeing such precious babies!!! Not gonna lie!

And I swiped this from her blog as well! Look what Zach wrote in the snow for her!!! Sweet ... sweet..

* I am LOVING my new Iphone! Loving IT!!! But sadly I am probably only using a 1/4 of what it's capable of. New things scare me. Maybe in a year I'll learn the App thing...?
* If you are on Facebook... and would like to "Become a Fan of Anne-Camille photography," I created my page yesterday and would love it if you would add me!
* Had a good conversation this week with an old friend. It's amazing how clarification just makes life better! Very thankful for that!
* The song "Evacuate the Dance Floor" is probably one of my all-time favorite songs. I play it all the time. And it never gets old. Kinda like "Big Green Tractor" never gets old for Cortland! He falls asleep to it on my Ipod almost every night. He also plays it over and over and OVER again while he's in the cart grocery shopping with me. It makes for a fun Grocery Trip!
* I am really getting the itch to attend another photography workshop soon. I need to get some plans in motion.
Hard to believe a little over a year ago the three of us were in Sunny California at a workshop with Drew Bittel!
* Due to these "destination sessions" I have planned I have received some inquiries from the Conway/Little Rock area. I'll be planning something there in the next month so stay tuned!
* Last night while reading in bed (Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life... which is HILARIOUS!) I couldn't quite get my warmth meter down. It was the first time I GENUINELY wish I owned a Snuggie. Every time I had to pull my arm out from under the warm covers into the cold air to turn a page it made me mad! A Snuggie would've done the trick!
* I bought my first US WEEKLY last night for the first time in about 2 years. I used to have a weekly subscription. No kidding. But they got old and I canceled. I started to read it last night and realized why I hated them again.
Who cares about these peoples' lives? Really? Not me!
* I finally saw Avatar a few weeks ago. It was just as amazing as everyone was claiming!
Beautiful love story. And I enjoyed the action as well! ;)
* Anyone who reads my blog knows about one of my dearest friends in the world, Celeste.
I get to see her beautiful, smiling face in 18 days!!! The countdown is ON! She cracks me up! Last night she was telling me about her weekend trip to New Orleans over the Superbowl weekend and she was telling me about the energy of the city and the Saint hype and what a blast it was being in the city for the Superbowl...
Quote of the week by Ms. Celeste. "Everywhere we went everyone kept saying, "Who Dat? Who Dat?" And IT NEVER GOT OLD!"
Cracked ME up because normally Celeste would've been like, "SHUT UP" after the 10th time hearing it! So glad she had such a great weekend!
* The girls and Cort have been all about playing "train" lately. Madeline holds Cort under his arms and Cort puts his legs on Kenzie-Lynn shoulders and off they go. I'll have to get a picture of it.
* Speaking of that... my childrens' laughter is the BEST. SOUND. IN. THE. ENTIRE. WORLD.
* I suppose since I have watched The Bachelor from the beginning of this season I will ENDURE it tonight. UGH. I don't like ANY of the women... and he is the biggest D-O-R-K... I can barely stand it. But I'll persevere. I'll stay the course. And want to throw up every second of it. This is the LAST season of the bachelor I will torture myself with. GAG.
* I am ready for the BEACH. Any beach. I just want a beach with palm trees all around. I'll be working on that... Mel, I am TOTALLY jealous right now that you are in FLORIDA!!! Jealous... jealous... jealous!
* I had a WONDERFUL group session yesterday afternoon. Such an amazing family! I kinda wanted to be apart of it! ;) Just kidding... but they were all so wonderful and I am excited about those photos. It was a pleasure meeting them all.
Okay, off to edit edit edit!
Happy "Snowy" Monday everyone!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Happy Monday posts.
ReplyDeleteSeveral things...
1. Thank you SO much for thinking of us enough to mention us on your blog.
2. I L.O.V.E that picture of Sophie's shoes
3. Celeste is GORGEOUS.
4. These pictures make me miss California, BADLY.
5. I LOVE that dress...
6. I miss all of you girls!!
Happy Monday!
Hi Anne Camille! I can't believe it has now been over a year since you girls came out to see me! I love seeing how much your business has grown! It's awesome! Congratulations on all of your achievements!