My sweet little Kenzie-Lynn was 4 1/2 in this photo. The same age that Cort is now.
She is home sick today.
I HATE when my children are sick and I have had sick kids for the past week.
Sam relieved me over lunch time so I could get out of the house- run some errands and meet my girlfriends for lunch.
I haven't been out of the house in days!!!
This photo melts my heart.
KL with a bow in her hair. KL with her baby teeth. KL with the same bright, beautiful smile.
My little baby... who turns NINE in three months! Where does the time go? :(
Get better my sweet girl...
Photo taken December 2005 at Aunt Tammy's house.
Please send her kisses and hugs from Aunt Lorna, Uncle Bob, and the boys... HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON KENZ!!!