Tracey & Jason.
Reserve your Session. Make payment on orders. Purchase a Gift Certificate.
Current Info:
If you are wanting a Spring Session, the month of April is filling UP fast, so get ahold of me to secure a date.
Also- so many more changes coming up for ACP so stay tuned!!! So much I am so excited about and can't wait to share!
Please email to check availability:
If you are wanting a Spring Session, the month of April is filling UP fast, so get ahold of me to secure a date.
Also- so many more changes coming up for ACP so stay tuned!!! So much I am so excited about and can't wait to share!
Please email to check availability:
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
[ :( ]
I came across this photo today.
My sweet little Kenzie-Lynn was 4 1/2 in this photo. The same age that Cort is now.
She is home sick today.
I HATE when my children are sick and I have had sick kids for the past week.
Sam relieved me over lunch time so I could get out of the house- run some errands and meet my girlfriends for lunch.
I haven't been out of the house in days!!!
This photo melts my heart.
KL with a bow in her hair. KL with her baby teeth. KL with the same bright, beautiful smile.
My little baby... who turns NINE in three months! Where does the time go? :(
Get better my sweet girl...

Photo taken December 2005 at Aunt Tammy's house.
My sweet little Kenzie-Lynn was 4 1/2 in this photo. The same age that Cort is now.
She is home sick today.
I HATE when my children are sick and I have had sick kids for the past week.
Sam relieved me over lunch time so I could get out of the house- run some errands and meet my girlfriends for lunch.
I haven't been out of the house in days!!!
This photo melts my heart.
KL with a bow in her hair. KL with her baby teeth. KL with the same bright, beautiful smile.
My little baby... who turns NINE in three months! Where does the time go? :(
Get better my sweet girl...
Photo taken December 2005 at Aunt Tammy's house.
[ The Bruder Family: Fayetteville, AR ]
I have to say this family was one of the sweetest families I have been around!
They were so joyful and kind and up-for-anything... even coming out in the FREEZING cold!
Photos can't capture the shivering little lips of these girls... but it was COLD! And they were SHIVERING! :(
It was honestly the FASTEST outdoor session I've ever done... we moved it indoors as fast as we could! Had to get those little girls warm!
Thank you Ryan, Kelley, Chloe & Carli! It was a pleasure meeting you all!

So very beautiful!

Chloe & Carli were such sweet sisters. Reminded me of my daughters when they were this little...

I love this series...

Kelley picked out the greastest outfits! If you are ever wondering what to wear for a session... think along these lines.
Multi-color, not too "matchy-matchy," patterns.... LOVED IT!

They were so joyful and kind and up-for-anything... even coming out in the FREEZING cold!
Photos can't capture the shivering little lips of these girls... but it was COLD! And they were SHIVERING! :(
It was honestly the FASTEST outdoor session I've ever done... we moved it indoors as fast as we could! Had to get those little girls warm!
Thank you Ryan, Kelley, Chloe & Carli! It was a pleasure meeting you all!
So very beautiful!
Chloe & Carli were such sweet sisters. Reminded me of my daughters when they were this little...
I love this series...
Kelley picked out the greastest outfits! If you are ever wondering what to wear for a session... think along these lines.
Multi-color, not too "matchy-matchy," patterns.... LOVED IT!
Monday, February 22, 2010
[ Happy Monday: 2-22-10 ]
What a weekend! So busy and full, but also had some good relaxing moments as well!
Had sick kids for the past five days... all of them alternating their times to be sick...
lots of movies were watched and a lot of soup and crackers eaten! Everyone is 100% now.
Thank God!
Onto Happy Monday...
(Everday Happy: 365 Ways to a Better You, written by Jenny Hare)
Leave Your Work at Work
Form the habit of leaving your work behind you when you leave your workplace. Try not to take it home with you. Keep your home life separate so that you can relax and enjoy your leisure time, family and friends to the full.
Your leisure time is an oasis of happiness for you to relax in. With no work worries and tensions invading your privacy, it's a special time, just for you and yours. A proper break from work also replenishes your energy and inspiration, so you'll feel restored and ready for work again tomorrow.
So this... is HARD HARD HARD for me to do, since I work from home!
Generally my day starts with getting stuff done around my house and then making it to my desk about 9ish.
Cort plays with Lucy or in his playroom or watches Sesame Street while I reply to emails, blog, edit, order or do some bookkeeping.
(Bookkeeping is soooo not my favorite thing in life!)
We break for lunch and he goes down for a nap and then I really GET WORK DONE!
Then we break again and go pick the girls up for school and then we are home and it's Homework Time and then Dinner Time.
I used to REALLY try to not return to my computer after dinner, but recently I've gotten busier (so happy about that!)
and I have been trying to keep UP so I've been working in the evenings as well!
But on the quest for a simpler, happier life... I'm going to try to go BACK to only working during the day!
No nighttime working and no editing on weekends!... Wait... that might not happen... I'll start with the evenings!
I had a LOVE-ly engagement session this weekend! It was SO. MUCH. FUN! Thank you so much Tracey & Jason!!!

Also had a GREAT GREAT GREAT family session with the Caples family!

I've had a great past week... so much going on...
* Note to self: Next time I decide to make Sloppy Joes for my family there is no real need to double the recipe.
Only so much of Sloppy Joes a family can take in one weekend! Seriously... SICK of it!
Add to that having to listen to Cort mimic me singing Adam Sandler's "Sloppy Joe... Sloppy... Sloppy Joe!"
* ELLEN cracks me UP. On her show. On AI. Seriously. CRACKS. ME. UP.
Her Dennis Quaid bits are SO FUNNY!
* You know you are OLD when your calves are so sore from dancing you can barely roll over in bed,
get up from the couch or say, swivel around in a chair. Easy stuff like that.
Only danced for m-a-y-b-e 15 minutes??! Sad!
Fun times! Happy 30th Shannon!!!
* It's embarrassing and so not cool to admit... but I love Rod Stewart's music. Love it!
You should hear Cort and I driving around town belting out "Rhythm of my Heart!"
* In attempting to set an out-of-town girlfriend up on a date with another out-of-town friend,
I sent one of the texts to another acquiantance I had been texting earlier in the day!
Which then made for some reallllly funny Laugh-Out-Loud texting with her for the rest of the evening!
Hilarious annnnnnd kind of embarrassing not gonna lie!
* Made a new friend. That's always fun! Helloooo Chelsie!
* Adore hearing Cortland say, "ock-odile" instead of "crocodile" and my girls saying, "He's so cute Mom" when they hear him say it!
* Movie I CANNOT change the channel when I come across it on TV: Bridget Jones Diary.
Same with Shawshank Redemption, Dirty Dancing or The Notebook. It's just impossible to switch channels.
* Speaking of TV: I LOVE Keeping up with the Kardashians! LOVE IT!!!
Those women are crazy but still so sweet hearted to each other! Sisters!!!
* I have ONE more available slot of my Dallas sessions this Saturday. Let me know if you want it!
Happy Monday!
What a weekend! So busy and full, but also had some good relaxing moments as well!
Had sick kids for the past five days... all of them alternating their times to be sick...
lots of movies were watched and a lot of soup and crackers eaten! Everyone is 100% now.
Thank God!
Onto Happy Monday...
(Everday Happy: 365 Ways to a Better You, written by Jenny Hare)
Leave Your Work at Work
Form the habit of leaving your work behind you when you leave your workplace. Try not to take it home with you. Keep your home life separate so that you can relax and enjoy your leisure time, family and friends to the full.
Your leisure time is an oasis of happiness for you to relax in. With no work worries and tensions invading your privacy, it's a special time, just for you and yours. A proper break from work also replenishes your energy and inspiration, so you'll feel restored and ready for work again tomorrow.
So this... is HARD HARD HARD for me to do, since I work from home!
Generally my day starts with getting stuff done around my house and then making it to my desk about 9ish.
Cort plays with Lucy or in his playroom or watches Sesame Street while I reply to emails, blog, edit, order or do some bookkeeping.
(Bookkeeping is soooo not my favorite thing in life!)
We break for lunch and he goes down for a nap and then I really GET WORK DONE!
Then we break again and go pick the girls up for school and then we are home and it's Homework Time and then Dinner Time.
I used to REALLY try to not return to my computer after dinner, but recently I've gotten busier (so happy about that!)
and I have been trying to keep UP so I've been working in the evenings as well!
But on the quest for a simpler, happier life... I'm going to try to go BACK to only working during the day!
No nighttime working and no editing on weekends!... Wait... that might not happen... I'll start with the evenings!
I had a LOVE-ly engagement session this weekend! It was SO. MUCH. FUN! Thank you so much Tracey & Jason!!!
Also had a GREAT GREAT GREAT family session with the Caples family!
I've had a great past week... so much going on...
* Note to self: Next time I decide to make Sloppy Joes for my family there is no real need to double the recipe.
Only so much of Sloppy Joes a family can take in one weekend! Seriously... SICK of it!
Add to that having to listen to Cort mimic me singing Adam Sandler's "Sloppy Joe... Sloppy... Sloppy Joe!"
* ELLEN cracks me UP. On her show. On AI. Seriously. CRACKS. ME. UP.
Her Dennis Quaid bits are SO FUNNY!
* You know you are OLD when your calves are so sore from dancing you can barely roll over in bed,
get up from the couch or say, swivel around in a chair. Easy stuff like that.
Only danced for m-a-y-b-e 15 minutes??! Sad!
Fun times! Happy 30th Shannon!!!
* It's embarrassing and so not cool to admit... but I love Rod Stewart's music. Love it!
You should hear Cort and I driving around town belting out "Rhythm of my Heart!"
* In attempting to set an out-of-town girlfriend up on a date with another out-of-town friend,
I sent one of the texts to another acquiantance I had been texting earlier in the day!
Which then made for some reallllly funny Laugh-Out-Loud texting with her for the rest of the evening!
Hilarious annnnnnd kind of embarrassing not gonna lie!
* Made a new friend. That's always fun! Helloooo Chelsie!
* Adore hearing Cortland say, "ock-odile" instead of "crocodile" and my girls saying, "He's so cute Mom" when they hear him say it!
* Movie I CANNOT change the channel when I come across it on TV: Bridget Jones Diary.
Same with Shawshank Redemption, Dirty Dancing or The Notebook. It's just impossible to switch channels.
* Speaking of TV: I LOVE Keeping up with the Kardashians! LOVE IT!!!
Those women are crazy but still so sweet hearted to each other! Sisters!!!
* I have ONE more available slot of my Dallas sessions this Saturday. Let me know if you want it!
Happy Monday!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
[ Lail Family: SNEAK ]
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
[ Nicole Bolinger ]
I met Nicole Bolinger at Silver Dollar City.
I can't remember exactly how it happened, but we were waiting in line watching our little ones on a ride and I of course was taking pictures of my kids on the ride.
Somehow we started talking and she told me she was just starting a photography business.
At that point I was two years into my business!
We exchanged info and I tried to help her anyway I could.
I will be forever grateful... FOREVER GRATEFUL to my Fab Four Girls (Jamie, Jaren & Liz) who have helped me learn and bounce things off of.
Without them I would've had some really frustrated times.
So... any way that I can help another person with their photography business I will.
Because I had help. I had people to talk aperature, shutter speed and ISO with!
And that's pretty awesome!
Nicole lives in Springdale and during my Fayetteville Sessions we met one morning for coffee and to talk shop and I took some pictures of her!
She is so vibrant and fun and I feel like I've known her for years.
Here you go Nicole!!! Thank you!

Pretty pretty!


I can't remember exactly how it happened, but we were waiting in line watching our little ones on a ride and I of course was taking pictures of my kids on the ride.
Somehow we started talking and she told me she was just starting a photography business.
At that point I was two years into my business!
We exchanged info and I tried to help her anyway I could.
I will be forever grateful... FOREVER GRATEFUL to my Fab Four Girls (Jamie, Jaren & Liz) who have helped me learn and bounce things off of.
Without them I would've had some really frustrated times.
So... any way that I can help another person with their photography business I will.
Because I had help. I had people to talk aperature, shutter speed and ISO with!
And that's pretty awesome!
Nicole lives in Springdale and during my Fayetteville Sessions we met one morning for coffee and to talk shop and I took some pictures of her!
She is so vibrant and fun and I feel like I've known her for years.
Here you go Nicole!!! Thank you!
Pretty pretty!
[ Recipe: Hot Chicken Salad ]
I've made this Chicken Salad for years.
I love Chicken Salad... I usually eat it cold...
...but when I have time (because it IS a little more involved than regular Chicken Salad) I make HOT CHICKEN SALAD!
So yummy on French bread!!!
I made it for dinner last night... and then I ate it for breakfast... then yes, again for lunch...
and I'm about to go in the kitchen and have it for my afternoon snack!
I'm bad!
Wanted to share!
(Per usual when it comes to sharing recipes... no pics.) :(
2 c. cooked chicken, diced
2 c. celery, chopped
1/2 c. chopped or slivered almonds or pecans
1 c. mayo
3 T. chopped onion
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
2 T. lemon juice
1/2 c. plain potato chips, crushed
1/2 c. BBQ potato chips, crushed
Combine everything together except the chips. Spoon into a lightly greased 2-qt. casserole. Sprinkle chips over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Serves 8.
Can't post without a picture... so I'm re-posting one of Cort that CRACKS ME UP!
He woke up from his nap one day a few months ago looking like THIS!

He just came up to me and said, "Mama... will you come look at the "sch-ungle" I made? He meant, "jungle."
Other fun 4-year-old Cort words:
"Ssh-icken." Chicken.
"Ssh-ips." Chips.
"Ssh-urch." Church.
You should hear him say "Chicken Quesadilla!!!"
It's seriously. For real. The little things in life! :)
I love Chicken Salad... I usually eat it cold...
...but when I have time (because it IS a little more involved than regular Chicken Salad) I make HOT CHICKEN SALAD!
So yummy on French bread!!!
I made it for dinner last night... and then I ate it for breakfast... then yes, again for lunch...
and I'm about to go in the kitchen and have it for my afternoon snack!
I'm bad!
Wanted to share!
(Per usual when it comes to sharing recipes... no pics.) :(
2 c. cooked chicken, diced
2 c. celery, chopped
1/2 c. chopped or slivered almonds or pecans
1 c. mayo
3 T. chopped onion
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
2 T. lemon juice
1/2 c. plain potato chips, crushed
1/2 c. BBQ potato chips, crushed
Combine everything together except the chips. Spoon into a lightly greased 2-qt. casserole. Sprinkle chips over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Serves 8.
Can't post without a picture... so I'm re-posting one of Cort that CRACKS ME UP!
He woke up from his nap one day a few months ago looking like THIS!
He just came up to me and said, "Mama... will you come look at the "sch-ungle" I made? He meant, "jungle."
Other fun 4-year-old Cort words:
"Ssh-icken." Chicken.
"Ssh-ips." Chips.
"Ssh-urch." Church.
You should hear him say "Chicken Quesadilla!!!"
It's seriously. For real. The little things in life! :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
[ Jacklyn & Sophie ]
Jacklyn and I went to high school together. It had been years since we'd seen each other!
... and now she has a little girl!
I love seeing old friends with our "grown up" lives! Jacklyn now has a precious little girl, Sophie.
Sophie wasn't exactly MY biggest fan... everytime I would get too close she would scream! haha
I don't know if it was because of my big, black camera or because she didn't know me, but I think that even though we had that obstacle going on we managed to get some pretty good shots anyway!
Thanks Jacklyn... I'm getting the rest ready for you! I loved the colors of the outfits you chose AND that you brought along Daisy!


I LOVE this shot!

My favorite from the session!

Pretty Mama...

... and now she has a little girl!
I love seeing old friends with our "grown up" lives! Jacklyn now has a precious little girl, Sophie.
Sophie wasn't exactly MY biggest fan... everytime I would get too close she would scream! haha
I don't know if it was because of my big, black camera or because she didn't know me, but I think that even though we had that obstacle going on we managed to get some pretty good shots anyway!
Thanks Jacklyn... I'm getting the rest ready for you! I loved the colors of the outfits you chose AND that you brought along Daisy!
I LOVE this shot!
My favorite from the session!
Pretty Mama...
Monday, February 15, 2010
[ Happy Monday: 2-15-10 ]
Today is going to be a short post!
I have so much to do today... this week... the next month!
So excited for so many things!
Today's little "Happy Tidbit" I just adore!
Enjoy Anticipation
"Delay some of today's small pleasures and enjoy the extra anticipation this gives you. Even something as mundane as a cup of coffee will be all the more delicious if you wait a while for it and are able to look forward to it. Instead of something commonplace, it becomes a treat, a gift to yourself, a reward for work well done.
Delayed gratification will also heighten your senses, so it's a way both of adding to, and heightening, pleasure. And exercising will-power feels good, too. Instead of taking a 'must have it now' attitude, decide when you are going to have something and be glad to wait for it."
* If anyone in the Little Rock area is interested, I will be there for an appointment this Friday (February 19) and I know I will have time to squeeze in a shoot or two!
I have so much to do today... this week... the next month!
So excited for so many things!
Today's little "Happy Tidbit" I just adore!
Enjoy Anticipation
"Delay some of today's small pleasures and enjoy the extra anticipation this gives you. Even something as mundane as a cup of coffee will be all the more delicious if you wait a while for it and are able to look forward to it. Instead of something commonplace, it becomes a treat, a gift to yourself, a reward for work well done.
Delayed gratification will also heighten your senses, so it's a way both of adding to, and heightening, pleasure. And exercising will-power feels good, too. Instead of taking a 'must have it now' attitude, decide when you are going to have something and be glad to wait for it."
To anticipate anything is such an ALIVE feeling!
I love building something up... and getting PUMPED up for things... I've always been that way!
I countdown to visits with friends... I literally cross dates off my calendar when I look forward to a certain date... I love that feeling!
Plus... I feel like in life we SHOULD get excited... truly EXCITED... for things!
It's what makes life fun!
I anticipate huge LIFE events... but also a bubble bath, or a glass of GOOD red wine, or a phone call with a loved one, or a TV show...
I am SO ready for Spring and Summer. I want to be on the WATER!!!
I'm ready for shorts & tank tops and taking my kids to the pool & the lake and having BBQ's on the patio...
I'm ready for WARMTH!!! C'mon SUMMER!
* If anyone in the Little Rock area is interested, I will be there for an appointment this Friday (February 19) and I know I will have time to squeeze in a shoot or two!
Email me if you are interested!
Happy Monday everyone...
Friday, February 12, 2010
[ Janna & Chance Simpson ]
"To find someone who will love you for no reason,
and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness."
~Robert Brault
These two were... AMAZING.
Seriously. AMAZING.
I loved getting to know them. I could have shot them all day!
I love photographing couples! It's so much fun for me!
These two were PERFECT to photograph.
They basically acted like I wasn't even there and just loved and laughed and teased and smooched.
That's exactly what a photographer wants! To just capture the interaction. PERFECT.
And this was not an engagement session.
They have been married for five years. Together for TEN.
It was a beautiful thing to see them interact with one another.
They were playful, loving, thoughtful... it is so clear for all to see that they ADORE each other.
Thank you Chance & Janna! I hope to see you again. I want to hang out! ;)
The rest of your images are coming soon...
I asked them to stand infront of these newspaper stands and Chance just pulled out a paper to read! It was hilarious! So funny!

He kept picking her up and twirling her! They would laugh. It was precious! :)

Janna. You are GORGEOUS.

Love the way Chance looked at her!

Did I already say... Gorgeous?

He peeked around the tree!

Love this!

So keep in mind that a Couple Session isn't just for Engagements...
get ahold of me if you'd like to celebrate your love "just because."
I promise... it's fun! ;)
and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness."
~Robert Brault
These two were... AMAZING.
Seriously. AMAZING.
I loved getting to know them. I could have shot them all day!
I love photographing couples! It's so much fun for me!
These two were PERFECT to photograph.
They basically acted like I wasn't even there and just loved and laughed and teased and smooched.
That's exactly what a photographer wants! To just capture the interaction. PERFECT.
And this was not an engagement session.
They have been married for five years. Together for TEN.
It was a beautiful thing to see them interact with one another.
They were playful, loving, thoughtful... it is so clear for all to see that they ADORE each other.
Thank you Chance & Janna! I hope to see you again. I want to hang out! ;)
The rest of your images are coming soon...
I asked them to stand infront of these newspaper stands and Chance just pulled out a paper to read! It was hilarious! So funny!
He kept picking her up and twirling her! They would laugh. It was precious! :)
Janna. You are GORGEOUS.
Love the way Chance looked at her!
Did I already say... Gorgeous?
He peeked around the tree!
Love this!
So keep in mind that a Couple Session isn't just for Engagements...
get ahold of me if you'd like to celebrate your love "just because."
I promise... it's fun! ;)
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The images on this blog are the property of Anne-Camille photography.
Images may not be reprinted without the permission of Anne-Camille Collins.
If you would like to use the images for sites such as Myspace, Xanga, Facebook, etc.-- feel free!
Just please put a link back to this blog.
Thank you!
Images may not be reprinted without the permission of Anne-Camille Collins.
If you would like to use the images for sites such as Myspace, Xanga, Facebook, etc.-- feel free!
Just please put a link back to this blog.
Thank you!
Blog Archive
- [ Love ]
- [ :( ]
- [ The Bruder Family: Fayetteville, AR ]
- [ Happy Monday: 2-22-10 ]
- [ The Caples Family: Sneak peek ]
- [ Lail Family: SNEAK ]
- [ Nicole Bolinger ]
- [ Recipe: Hot Chicken Salad ]
- [ Jacklyn & Sophie ]
- [ Happy Monday: 2-15-10 ]
- [ Janna & Chance Simpson ]
- [ Spinning Wheels ]
- [ Happy Monday: 2-8-09 ]
- [ Love ANYONE can see ]
- [ Breakfast for Dinner ]
- [ Waffles & Cuties ]
- [ Jamie Watson: You. Are. Amazing. ]
- [ Jamie! ]
- [ Happy Monday. 2-1-10 ]