Every year since meeting Scott & Alicia over 7 years ago we celebrate Christmas together
It usually works out for us about a week AFTER Christmas.
It is so fun to look back at the photos and see how much are kids have grown together!
Alicia and I have decided to create a new Collins/Estes Christmas tradition!
Last year we did our Christmas shopping together and came across these adorable jammies
(Hunter had a pair as well, but I think he was sleeping when we took these pics!).
We thought it was hilarious to get them all matching jammies as their gifts!
This year we carried on with the tradition and instead of jammies we got them matching winter sweaters, hats and gloves! They were THRILLED! :)
Every year from now on I now we'll have to search for something matching!
They are going to KILL us when they are teenagers! :)
... and a picture of my friends, Michelle & Anu from Melissa's Birthday Night.
They were wearing black and white, but opposite from each other, so we had to snap a few pics! Pretty... pretty...
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