My little Valentine Babies!
Before I start the pictures, I thought I would share our dinner conversation tonight.
With the point being... how OLD my kids think I am!
Kenzie-Lynn: Mom, If you could interview any singer who would it be?
Me: Um... hands down. Madonna.
Madeline: Who's that?
Me: Well, she's a HUGE deal. Very famous in the 80's. My favorite singer of all time.
Cortland: I know who that is. You don't know who that is? I've met her.
Madeline: Bubby, I know you do NOT know who that is. It's a famous person and we don't know famous people.
Cortland: Yeah-huh. I know her.
Kenzie-Lynn: (After much thought). Is this Madonna person DEAD?
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My kids think I am so old that Madonna is not living anymore!!???! Hilarious!

So, these are my kids Valentine's photos.
I do have mini-Valentine Cards available for purchase if anyone would like a session like this for Valentine Cards!
$25.00 for 50 cards with purchase of Regular Session Fee.Cards are great for the Valentine-Card-Exchange in kids' classes or mailing to family & friends!

Also- don't think I neglected my son in these pics!
I wanted some cute photos of Cortland, but he was not in the best picture-taking-mood. Thank God I have 3 kids! More options! ;)
I just have some of my girls! At least they are ALWAYS up for photos! :)

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Kenzie-Lynn! She always has this little smirk on!

She is into posing! I LOVE it!!!

I LOVE this one!

Lucy was ALL about taking photos! She cracks me up!

So I called Lucy over to me so she could join Cortland in his "time-out"
(due to the yucky-picture-taking-mood he was in!)
and she didn't want to be out of the pictures!
She ran back to get in the photos with the girls!
She thinks she's one of the sisters! It is hilarious!

I ADORE my daughters! Adore them!