I mean... I have three... no biggie right?!
One of my oldest AND greatest friends, Jen, wanted me to photograph Ava and I was SO excited!
To check out the most beautiful pregnant woman click HERE!
Ava was so GREAT... calm... easy... and GORGEOUS and Jen & I had such a great time visiting and catching up.
I love you both (and you too Bo!). It was so great to see you as a mother Jen!
Is she not precious???
I loved the idea of placing their maternity photo in the background... thinking outside the box right?
Those eyes!
Baby & Mama...
... these are just a couple pics Jen & took a few years ago (and I know they're blurry... but whatever right?
The moment got captured!).
We always laugh so much and just SO enjoy getting to be together.
Love you Jennifer!
she's gorgeous. her baby is gorgeous. Happy Birthday AC!!