Yep... the day has arrived!
30 is HERE. I can't fight it any longer!
No... just kidding! I really have had a great morning so far!
I've spent it with my son... doesn't get much better than that!
I have so many things to be thankful for...
so in honor of that
Thankful feeling I decided to create a
"30 things I am thankful for on my 30th Birthday" list. Yep!
So here goes... my
30 Thankful Things:1.
Madeline Brooke. Mackenzie Lynn. Cortland Samuel.You are my life.
Photo taken First Day of School 2009.2. A man who is an amazingly attentive and supportive
father and shows his children that EVERYDAY.
My parents & siblings.I know we all drive each other crazy... but our love for one another will always be there.
No matter what. Such a good feeling.
... and we all crack each other up! Makes for fun times!
4. My sweet, sweet little
Lucy Liu.
She is an amazingly wonderful dog and brings so much joy to our family!

Friends.Again, I know I'm like a broken record...
but I believe I have some of the world's GREATEST women to call FRIENDS.
I feel so very blessed in this area of my life.
I love you very much Alicia...
I hope you know that! You are truly my third sister.6.
My job.To do something CREATIVE, something I can do from home and something that I LOVE to do is the best feeling!
Photo by Life as a Photo. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
~ Albert Einstein.
My home.It is truly my sanctuary.
And this is what is going on in it this past week-
Spiderman parties, dying plants, and laundry that needs to be put up. :)
"Even the stuff that has to get done doesn't have to get done today."8.
Cooking.It calms me.

"Shut out the busy, let in the peace."
Reading.I love getting lost in a good book!

Dancing.If there is music + a dance floor. I'm THERE!
I don't care what I look like!
"Never put away your dancing shoes!"
Photos by Photography by Jaren.11.
Laughing.A much better work-out than Pilates I have to say!
Photo by Life as a Photo."Laugh louder."12. A busy and
FULL life.

Beaches + water (pools, lakes, rivers, oceans... all of it!).
Photos by Life as a Photo."A little bit of reckless abandon is a good thing."14.
Red wine.

Dressing up.16.
Yoga pants.I live in them.
Tank tops.It got so bad this summer that I had to purposefully put on a regular T-shirt
because I believe it was becoming a problem!
I have tanks in every color known to man!
Get-togethers and
dinners with friends & family.
All but two of my cousins in my Silva Family. Albuquerque, NM. 12-2008. Seriously... Tony! You kinda look like a serial killer! LOL! :)
My computer.20.
The internet & Yahoo Messenger.What's up J? LOL
My camera, photography & my photog girls.

Photos by Life as a Photo. 22.

My office.I love the light in this room and the ability to see into the family room & kitchen.
I still feel apart of everything while I'm working.

XM radio & Pandora. 
A large yard for my kids to run and play in.
"Joy. Jump for it."29.
Changing seasons.
My health.So... my quote for the next 30 years:"It's not the things we do in life that wear us down.It's what we don't do."