Two concerts in 3 months??? What is happening to me!?Back in May I traveled to Little Rock and had a one-day little reunion with Nikki
(my BF from high school) and we attended a HEART concert together.
Now I am not the biggest concert-goer and I honestly only knew a couple HEART songs...
but after seeing them perform I am a huge fan now... THEY WERE A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
I listen to them now everytime I get ready and sing as I'm doing my make-up and hair:
"Till now I always got by on my own. I never really cared until I met you.
And now it chills me to the bone. How do I get you alone!!!"Can't beat it! LOL!

Yes, they performed IN THE RAIN! A sweet man next to us let us use his umbrella!

...and then this past weekend I spent the weekend in Dallas with
Laine and had the
TIME OF MY LIFE at the concert we attended...
This concert was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s
(I laughed the ENTIRE time... huge smile on my face seriously... THE ENTIRE TIME!)and SO SO SO much fun!!!
Brought back all kinds of middle school memories...
... any guesses of who I saw???
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!! Yes, you read that right! LOL!
More pics to come soon!


At one point they all five popped up in the middle of the crowd. Joey was singing right to us! LOL!

These are the faces of girls SO EXCITED to see their teen idols!

Lauren: (Loved meeting this girl btw!!!)


And me: (not quite as expressive as everyone else!)

And these next two pictures are images of what my face looked like basically the ENTIRE time. I was CRACKING up and could not quit laughing! It was truly hilarious!!!